quarta-feira, 26 de setembro de 2012

Dicas XEN - Comando CLI xenserver

1 Listar todas VMS

 # xe vm-list
  uuid ( RO)           : 30ecba2c-1656-c131-5360-e62cc35330fb
       name-label ( RW): TS
      power-state ( RO): running
  uuid ( RO)           : 0705326d-a545-fd79-2495-e67a2228e7f4
       name-label ( RW): FOM
      power-state ( RO): halted
  uuid ( RO)           : 29f337f7-4010-72f0-ffb8-f41d2d9c6570
       name-label ( RW): Focco 11G base teste
      power-state ( RO): running
  uuid ( RO)           : 25f4a01a-946f-acdd-44e3-eb6577e75e9c
       name-label ( RW): Focco Web
      power-state ( RO): running

2 Listar VMs rodando

 xe vm-list power-state=running

3 Listar Vms desligadas

  xe vm-list power-state=halted

4 Forçar reboot da VM

 xe vm-reset-powerstate --force uuid=25f4a01a-946f-acdd-44e3-eb6577e75e9c 

5 Reboot VM

 xe vm-reboot uuid=25f4a01a-946f-acdd-44e3-eb6577e75e9c 

6 Desligar VM

 xe vm-shutdown --force uuid=25f4a01a-946f-acdd-44e3-eb6577e75e9c 

7 Pausar VM

 xe vm-pause uuid=25f4a01a-946f-acdd-44e3-eb6577e75e9c 

8 Iniciar VM

  xe start uuid=25f4a01a-946f-acdd-44e3-eb6577e75e9c 

9 VM Presa

Algumas vezes, temos o problema de uma VM fica totalmente travada, sem resposta a nenhuma ação, nem ao reboot, nem ao desligamento, isso pode ter ocorrido, por algum repositorio de ISO que esteja offline, com isso a VM fica travada... doidera. Para resolver isso, force o desligamento da mesma, e remova a midia da mesma. Correto, porém a VM não desliga, cara o que eu vou fazer????

  • Listar tarefas pendentes
  xe task-list

  • Cancelar uma tarefa
  xe task-cancel --force uuid=25f4a01a-946f-acdd-44e3-eb6577e75e9c 

  • Mesmo assim ela não esta reiniciando o que fazer??? Força a reinicialização de todas tarefas agendadas

10 VM iniciar automaticamente

 xe vm-param-set uuid=25f4a01a-946f-acdd-44e3-eb6577e75e9c other-config:auto_poweron=true 

11 TOP das vms


Um comentário:

  1. Se mesmo assim nao conseguir derrubar a vm com o erro(aconteceu comigo xenserver 6.1.0): domain still exists
    Segue esquema abaixo:

    The operation could not be performed because a domain still exists for the specified VM
    Posted: 15/07/2011 14:45 in response to: webmaster@dawne...
    4 users found this post useful
    That's correct, Thanks Kirk!
    Here's the simplified answer from the post that Kirk reffered me to.

    1 - "xe vm-list" to get the uuid of the VM that is hung

    2 - "list_domains" to list the domain uuid's so you can determine
    the domain # of the VM above by matching the uuids from this output with
    the uuid for your VM from the previous command.

    3 - "/opt/xensource/debug/destroy_domain -domid XX" where XX is the domain number from the previous command

    4 - "xe vm-reboot uuid=XXXX --force" where XXXX is the uuid from the first vm-list command for your VM. (name-label may work but didn't work this time for me so I used the uuid)

    Your VM will be back up running now in most cases. (I use this for my HVMs that hang so I don't have to reboot the host server)


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